Sunday, October 31, 2010
Trick or Treat
Mommy teaches me to read
Making Pumpkins
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Flight Time!!!!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Goodbye to our Maya-girl

But, then, she saw this..........
and she knew I was here to save her from any additional humiliation or costume changes! Hey, I love this dress-up stuff. Then, we became the best of friends.....
I don't really understand this death stuff -- but, who does really? Go Dog Go is one of my favorite books. When I asked Mommy about where Maya is, she explained that Maya is at the big dog party at the top of that beautiful, tall tree. Red dogs and blue dogs, yellow dogs and green dogs, black dogs and white dogs...all at a dog party. I can see her sitting there with Enkidu and Ming Lee holding her ice cream cone and wearing her beautiful party hat. That makes me feel better......for a little while. We miss you Maya and love you more than we could ever say. Goodbye, dear friend.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Summer continues
Speaking of garages, we are also building me my own garage for my go-cart I got for my birthday! We'll put up pictures of it later. Right now, here's my concert debut for CMT.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Summer is here!!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
3 years old
We'll try to get better at posting these things. I saw that we've only done 2 this year. We may go visit Grandma and Grandpa up in Michigan. If we do I'll take pictures of the big fish I catch and put them on here. Love and hugs!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Winter Fun!!
Wish we could all meet at the beach and play. We miss and love you guys!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I'll try to get Mommy and Daddy to update more often. I miss all of you and hope to see you soon!!