Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Last year Snoopy, this year, Buzz Lightyear!!!!! I got all dressed up and put on the jetpack grandma made, went to Mae Mae's house and we went to score the candy. It was kind of short lived since it was a Sunday and we all have to get up and go to school but I made the most of it. Check it out!


Mommy teaches me to read

Daddy says this isn't bad for 3 years and 4 months old. Mommy says it will be good for me to learn to read, but I just think it's fun to sound out new words. Check this out..........

Boy in a Bubble

This needs no further comment.............

Making Pumpkins

Grandma and Grampa brought us 3 pumpkins so we decided to make Jack-o-lanterns. The goo on the inside was, well, gooey. We pulled out the seeds and Daddy coated them in butter and salt then cooked them. They taste like popcorn!!! Here's some pictures of the before and after.

When we were done, we made a leaf pile!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Flight Time!!!!!

About a month ago, Mommy and Daddy took me by an airport to watch planes take off and land. Daddy went in and made friends with a man named Jeff who let me sit in a plane. After that I told Daddy and Mommy I wanted to go fly in a plane. Well, sure enough, a few weeks later we were back on our way to the airport where Daddy arranged for me to go flying!!! It was great! We flew up with the clouds and it was a super terrific day! Enjoy!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Goodbye to our Maya-girl

On August 26, we lost our pupper-girl Maya. We are very, very sad. What a good friend she has been and such a huge part of our lives. Before I came along, Maya was the baby. For the most part, she loved it. Well, except for days like these........

You gotta love Mommy and Daddy, they are pretty silly. Then, I came along, and Maya was a bit concerned once she found out I was not just here for a visit..........

But, then, she saw this..........

and she knew I was here to save her from any additional humiliation or costume changes! Hey, I love this dress-up stuff. Then, we became the best of friends.....

I don't really understand this death stuff -- but, who does really? Go Dog Go is one of my favorite books. When I asked Mommy about where Maya is, she explained that Maya is at the big dog party at the top of that beautiful, tall tree. Red dogs and blue dogs, yellow dogs and green dogs, black dogs and white dogs...all at a dog party. I can see her sitting there with Enkidu and Ming Lee holding her ice cream cone and wearing her beautiful party hat. That makes me feel better......for a little while. We miss you Maya and love you more than we could ever say. Goodbye, dear friend.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summer continues

Hi guys!

How did you like the concert? I have been playing non-stop since I got the drums. Summer is still going strong here. My aunt, uncle and cousins are coming next week and I can't wait! Mommy, Daddy and I have been having all sorts of fun. We have been to the zoo, hiking at a lot of parks, hitting the playgrounds, fishing and swimming. I even went off the diving board!! That was the day that Mommy forgot the camera so I can't show you that one. Here are some shots of what we have been up to......
MeMe and I have had a chance to play a couple of times this summer. We have a blast! We played dress up at Uncle Bob's birthday party. This is a shot of me in my hard hat and bracelets. She had me put on a cool purple leather skirt and purple Cinderella shoes too, but Daddy banned all photos of that:)
We have had crazy weather this summer. It has been super hot and rainy. When it rains really hard, our house turns into riverfront property! Here is a shot of Daddy and I floating boats in our "river."

Well, more to come later. I hope everyone is doing well. Miss you all!!!



That's what I say when I start to play a concert on my new drums!!!!! Daddy took me up to the toy store and got me a cool drumset because i've been playing the pretend drums for awhile. Its pretty neat, Daddy says with the garage door open, you can hear it over at the neighbors!!

Speaking of garages, we are also building me my own garage for my go-cart I got for my birthday! We'll put up pictures of it later. Right now, here's my concert debut for CMT.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer is here!!!!

Hi guys!

Summer is in full swing here. I am sleeping in, swimming up a storm and hitting the playground on a regular basis. I love summer.......everyday is Saturday!! You saw my really cool jeep in my birthday entry, but you missed the cool bouncey house that Grandma and Grandpa got me. Here are some shots of MeMe and me on my birthday. I still have on my Super Grover cape that Grandma made me.....just in case someone needed saving!! Oh, and here is a shot of me eating cake -- have to have one of those in a birthday entry!!!!
We went to the U.P. last week and saw G & G Girton. It was a long trip but I love to go camping. I caught 4 fish, rode on a boat and ate french fries at least 5 times! That is more french fries than I have had in the last year!! Vacation is awesome!! I made some really good friends at the local pizza place. They took me back to the kitchen to talk to the cook and I came out with a free ice cream cone. I think I might run for mayor of Curtis, MI. I might just have a shot! We had baby ducks right in front of our cabin. Here is some video of Mommy and me sharing some bread with them.

Hmmm......what else is new? Oh, I got a Spiderman bike with real training wheels for my birthday. I am getting wicked fast on it. I am a little sad that my swingset got squashed by a tree during the last storm, but I know Daddy will fix it so all is OK. I hope we can all get together soon and play. Wishing us all an endless summer!

Love and peace,


Sunday, June 20, 2010

3 years old

Can you believe it? I've been around 3 whole years. Funny thing is Daddy looked up something called 3 year milestones, and I banged all those out a long time ago. so, I guess I'm doing ok.

I've been helping Daddy work on the vroom vrooom car and driving my go-cart everyone got me for my birthday. I'm a pretty good driver.

We'll try to get better at posting these things. I saw that we've only done 2 this year. We may go visit Grandma and Grandpa up in Michigan. If we do I'll take pictures of the big fish I catch and put them on here. Love and hugs!



Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Fun!!

Hi guys!!

As you can see we have had lots of wonderful snow. We have been sledding, making snow angels and throwing snowballs. I think Mommy and Daddy would prefer to be at the beach but I am forcing them to relive their youth and enjoy the snow. Its working for now, but I have a feeling they may get cranky if spring doesn't come soon. Notice my awesome cowboy hat or as I call it my "Howdy Ma'am hat."

As you probably know, the Colts went to the Superbowl this year. I was very excited. Last time they won, I was in Mommy's tummy so I could hear the game but the view wasn't so great! They didn't end up winning this time, but we had fun. Here are some pictures and video from pre-game.

Wish we could all meet at the beach and play. We miss and love you guys!



Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hi guys!

Its been a long time since we posted anything -- sorry, things have been pretty busy here. Let's see....the last time we talked I had just been trick or treating. We've had 3 more fun holidays since then. First, we had Thanksgiving. We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house and had a HUGE dinner. We had lots of friends join us -- Aunt Lucy, Great Grandma Phyl, Jared and Cynthia. It was a blast! I love going to Winchester because we get to ride Grandpa's golf cart, play with "Dinner" the rooster (hmmmm, I wonder why Daddy named him "Dinner"?), and go on adventures.
Next, came Christmas. Have you guys heard about this it cool or what? You get to decorate the whole house with beautiful lights and Christmas Snoopies. As if that isn't enough, lots of mornings when you wake up, there are presents under your Christmas tree!! It was so exciting. I got to see lots of friends -- Gran Jane & Bumpa, Uncle Johnny's family, Uncle Jamie's family and my Winchester friends. We had lots of fun at home and then we packed up and went to Florida to see Aunt Sam, Uncle Ed, Sumo and Harry (although Harry stayed at the beach the whole time). It was a LONG drive but we had so much fun! We got to fish, build sandcastles, and go to the aquarium. I painted with a dolphin named Winter who has no tail. She was beautiful.

Then we had New Year's Eve. We made a big dinner at Aunt Sam and Uncle Ed's, went out for ice cream and then went to a playground that was full of Christmas lights to play. It was a blast.... although I thought my Aunt Sam, Uncle Ed, Mommy and Daddy might get into a brawl with the dad of a little girl who was mean to me. Man, its good to have lots of people who have your back!

I'll try to get Mommy and Daddy to update more often. I miss all of you and hope to see you soon!!
