Monday, January 28, 2008

New teeth and Friend

Well, I'm working on toofus number 8. Hurts. I slobber something fierce. I haven't seen my pal Darion for a long time. For those of you who don't know him, he's 2weeks older and a lot heavier. He was pretty shocked - as you can see by the photo - that I had my own chickens and that I had a hawk that looked over them. I think when Daddy lets them out this spring to feed in the yard that the hawk might get to know them a lot better. Hope not. Well here's a picture of shocked Darion and my hawk. Grandpa says its a Cooper's Hawk. I don't know who this Cooper guy is but I wish he'd keep his hawk on a leash.

Later, yo


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learnin' to talk

Exciting news in my world! Daddy taught me the chorus to the '89 hit "da butt" by E.U. I'm learning to talk through average '80's rap music. Here's a video of me practicing for the next season of America Idol.

I also have 6 teeth now. I'll try to get a photo of those soon.

Go Colts, Booooooo Patriots!!!!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year

WooHooo! Stayed up until 9:00 new year's eve!! Can I party or what? Thanks to all for my first Christmas. It was fun to see people and get to play. In 2008, I reckon you can expect to see me up walking around and learning to fish.

Here's a few pictures of me learning to cook breakfast - huh? Who'd a thought that my chickens eggs don't bounce. Also I threw on a video of me tasting my tiger.

Love you all,
