Sunday, December 14, 2008


Wow it doesn't seem like my last post was in October. Since then I had Thanksgiving, learned what an Owl is and got my second Christmas tree.

Thanksgiving was here at my house and grandma, grandpa and aunt ceal showed up for a wicked awesome turkey. There's a picture for you to see.

I didn't actually see the owl but daddy showed me the pictures and I got to roam through the trees and help pick one out. I wasn't too interested in the picture, I wanted to play and look at my chickens but I toughed it out. Enjoy, I'll be sure to post Christmas pictures.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


So, Daddy has this really cool car -- a Cyclone. It makes lots of noise --I love it! My favorite thing is to honk the horn. He says that he won't ever let me drive it -- but, seriously, who could say no to this face???? I will be out driving in no time. Daddy has taken us on a couple of family rides around the yard (with Maya too!). Between the chickens and the car, our neighbors may try to run us out of town.
Love and miss you all,

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I'm getting big!!!

Yep, this is me -- feeding myself....driving.....what's next? Dad says I'm so big that its time for me to get a job. Maybe I could start my own lawncare business. I have a little trouble reaching the pedals but I could make it work.

Love you all,

Mommy and Daddy are back at work :(

Sorry its been awhile since I last wrote -- Mommy and Daddy are back at work now so when we are home we are busy playing. Over the summer, Daddy helped Uncle Bob and Doug build a cool deck at Bob's house. Here's a picture of my pal Meredith and me cookin' out a few weeks ago. We were discussing the latest developments in the presidential race --- nothin' cooler than a cute, smart chick with an opinion.

Hmmmmmm,what else is new around here? Well, I am getting pretty quick on my feet -- I love making Mommy and Daddy run after me. Mama says I keep them on their toes -- hey, that's my job. I have discovered a cool new thing.......puddles! The look on Mama's face when I sat in the muddy water was worth the chill in my shorts. Check this out.......

The chickens are all still here and we are getting 6 -8 eggs a day! Mama just told me the other day that not all kids have pet chickens. I am really lucky --although our neighbors may disagree.
Well, I will write again soon.
Love and miss you all,

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hammer's got nothing on me!

Well, I take it you saw the walking video.......well, it just gets better. Uncle fishin Ed was telling me about a trip he took with Mommy and Daddy to a place called the Bahamas. He said they had some music called Junkanoo and that Daddy broke out a dance from the movie Coming to America. I reckon it took a while but i got Daddy to teach me this dance. We got no junkanoo music but the next best thing is the Cool Runnings sound track. Check out this video.

Oh, yeah. Daddy is attempting to sing so I had to quit toward the end of the video and give Daddy "The Look". I tried to get Simon on the phone to talk to him but it was busy.

I also threw in a picture of me coolin it in Mommy and Daddy's swimming pool. It's bigger than mine.



Monday, July 21, 2008

Walker man!!!

Nuff said! Check out this video and see what I can do......... Biggest man in the world!!!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ready to move out!

For a few reasons.........the bad one. Remember that sweet shirt I was wearing in the walking video on the last post? Well, Daddy fessed up and said it was pink. Daddy doesn't think real men can wear pink, at least those that poop in their pants still. (Keep this on the down low, but he's wearing a lilac colored shirt right now). Mommy stood up for me and said it was cute and I could keep it. Well that superhero wanna be snatched it up, ran downstairs, threw it in an envelope and did a drive-by with it at my friend Meredith's house. We stopped by yesterday and she was wearing it!!!! That's one reason I'm moving out.

#2 - In an attempt to make up for the t-shirt drive by incident of 2008, they took me to Wal-mart and bought me my very own Couch, Spider-man of course. When we got home I was supposed to take a nap but Spidey really wanted to hang out on the couch and chill for a while. So I had no other option but to oblige him. Here's a photo of us hanging out.
I got my own furniture so the next step is my own apartment!!



P.S. I may be smiling but I'm still ticked about the shirt thing.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

You don't know Jack.........

Ok, well I can kinda walk. Check out this sweet video. Looks like Pops is going to work for the camera crew on COPS.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm a standin' man.

Man am I proud of this one year thing. You should see me stand and then dance!!!!

OK, so I look like the 1966 Batman video where they walk up walls. Give daddy a break! He's no George Lucas!!!

I'm Batman

nuff said..................

Long time overdue!!

Dang! I turned one and haven't posted yet. As you can imagine, someone of my age and ability stays very busy....and daddy's been eating up the computer with his masters program. Well, first birthday was unforgettable - we did it with no electricity!!

Can't flush a toliet - like I care; I'm diaper man. No lights, can't cool food....Mommy said make the best of it but daddy was freaking out. Aunt sam'n'ed and Uncle fishin'Ed (Edsamma) went to the gym to shower, Mommy went to Gran Jane and Bumps but my old man bathed in the rain barrel.

It was a good party! I had lots of friends and family over and we did cake by lantern light. I even stayed up late.!!! I got so many presents it took me 3 days to open them. Here's some pictures...... Love, peace and a flock of geese,


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Went to the beach

Yeah, I haven't posted for a while buy I've been helping Daddy with his master's degree.

We looked at the weather for Spring break and hit the road for St. George Island. The ocean made me say BBBRRRRRRRRR but the tidal pools were warm and fun. I chilled out while Mommy and the girls got some sun and Daddy caught stingrays and Pompano. Here's a few pictures.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm Mo-bile

Life is much better than 6 months ago when I just got to lay on my back and be bored. Now I'm up crawling around and pulling myself to stand on my own!!!!!!!! Whooo-Hooooo!!! I can get into the dog food, and mess with electrical stuff !! Here's a look into my world.



Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentines day

Thank you for everyone who sent me a card. I read all of them! I was so excited I pulled myself up on my feet next to my exersaucer and then crawled forward for a brief second. I went to the zoo again last Saturday and watched Mommy actually pet a SHARK!!!! I wanted to but the lady said I might fall in. I guess she didn't know Daddy and his cheerleadin-never-drop-anyone skills. I'll have a talk with her next time.

Enjoy the pictures,


Sunday, February 3, 2008

BeeGees got nothing on me!

Dancing is instinctual. Check me out, I got soul is what Mommy tells me. Now not only do I have a winning smile but now I got the moves to woo all the women.


Monday, January 28, 2008

New teeth and Friend

Well, I'm working on toofus number 8. Hurts. I slobber something fierce. I haven't seen my pal Darion for a long time. For those of you who don't know him, he's 2weeks older and a lot heavier. He was pretty shocked - as you can see by the photo - that I had my own chickens and that I had a hawk that looked over them. I think when Daddy lets them out this spring to feed in the yard that the hawk might get to know them a lot better. Hope not. Well here's a picture of shocked Darion and my hawk. Grandpa says its a Cooper's Hawk. I don't know who this Cooper guy is but I wish he'd keep his hawk on a leash.

Later, yo


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Learnin' to talk

Exciting news in my world! Daddy taught me the chorus to the '89 hit "da butt" by E.U. I'm learning to talk through average '80's rap music. Here's a video of me practicing for the next season of America Idol.

I also have 6 teeth now. I'll try to get a photo of those soon.

Go Colts, Booooooo Patriots!!!!


Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year

WooHooo! Stayed up until 9:00 new year's eve!! Can I party or what? Thanks to all for my first Christmas. It was fun to see people and get to play. In 2008, I reckon you can expect to see me up walking around and learning to fish.

Here's a few pictures of me learning to cook breakfast - huh? Who'd a thought that my chickens eggs don't bounce. Also I threw on a video of me tasting my tiger.

Love you all,
