Saturday, November 3, 2007

Dang these teeth!!

Hi all, well I've been cuttin' some new ivory but I'm reluctant to show them off. Man! Do they hurt. On top of all that I think Dad brought home some kind of funky virus that has my cheeks all red and my temp. up. Last night, dad couldn't sleep and I couldn't sleep so that means Mom couldn't sleep. So... we're just the zombie family crusin' around today.

I'm geared up for the big Colts game tomorrow and will be sportin' my blue crew gear with Pops. Oh, on that note, here's a picture of me and my pal Meredith when the Colts played the Bucs. She was nice enough to let me use her chair. Too bad for her the Colts won - she and her Pops are Bucs fans you know. Well, she and her Mom were Falcons fans too until Vick pulled the "see-if-the-dog-can-breathe--underwater- thing.

Well here's until the big game tomorrow!

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