Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Web slinger Jack

Big Jack is on the Web! "Oh, hey. What's up. I was just reading the Halloween card my great gradma sent me. Glad you showed up.
I had mom and dad make this blog so I could keep you up to date on what's going on here at home. I know a lot of you can't come by because you live out of town so this is the way you can keep up.
Lately, I've been over helping Grand Jane. She hurt her ankle so mom and I have been over helping out.
In a few days, I'll upload a picture of my sweet halloween costume daddy got me. I look like our other chickens.....hint, hint.
Well until next time,
Big Jack

1 comment:

RebelHealth Chick said...

Nephew Jack,
What a cutie - and soooo big! We miss you! Hope you had a great Halloween & watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown w/ Mom & Dad!
Aunt Sam-n-Ed
Uncle Warbucks (Ed wants to change his name from Uncle Morehead to this!)