Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Last year Snoopy, this year, Buzz Lightyear!!!!! I got all dressed up and put on the jetpack grandma made, went to Mae Mae's house and we went to score the candy. It was kind of short lived since it was a Sunday and we all have to get up and go to school but I made the most of it. Check it out!


Mommy teaches me to read

Daddy says this isn't bad for 3 years and 4 months old. Mommy says it will be good for me to learn to read, but I just think it's fun to sound out new words. Check this out..........

Boy in a Bubble

This needs no further comment.............

Making Pumpkins

Grandma and Grampa brought us 3 pumpkins so we decided to make Jack-o-lanterns. The goo on the inside was, well, gooey. We pulled out the seeds and Daddy coated them in butter and salt then cooked them. They taste like popcorn!!! Here's some pictures of the before and after.

When we were done, we made a leaf pile!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Flight Time!!!!!

About a month ago, Mommy and Daddy took me by an airport to watch planes take off and land. Daddy went in and made friends with a man named Jeff who let me sit in a plane. After that I told Daddy and Mommy I wanted to go fly in a plane. Well, sure enough, a few weeks later we were back on our way to the airport where Daddy arranged for me to go flying!!! It was great! We flew up with the clouds and it was a super terrific day! Enjoy!
