Hi guys!
We have had crazy weather this summer. It has been super hot and rainy. When it rains really hard, our house turns into riverfront property! Here is a shot of Daddy and I floating boats in our "river."
How did you like the concert? I have been playing non-stop since I got the drums. Summer is still going strong here. My aunt, uncle and cousins are coming next week and I can't wait! Mommy, Daddy and I have been having all sorts of fun. We have been to the zoo, hiking at a lot of parks, hitting the playgrounds, fishing and swimming. I even went off the diving board!! That was the day that Mommy forgot the camera so I can't show you that one. Here are some shots of what we have been up to......
MeMe and I have had a chance to play a couple of times this summer. We have a blast! We played dress up at Uncle Bob's birthday party. This is a shot of me in my hard hat and bracelets. She had me put on a cool purple leather skirt and purple Cinderella shoes too, but Daddy banned all photos of that:)